ASBIS novice

Januar 14, 2024
Vroča ponudba: Izkoristite posebno akcijo podjetja AENO za vrhunske modele ...
Oktober 29, 2023
ASBIS širi pokritost Pure Storage na 9 novih držav v srednji in vzhodni Evropi. ...
November 17, 2022
Obsežen portfelj strežnikov in sistemov za shranjevanje, ki jih poganjajo ...
November 04, 2022
Prvi igralni grafični procesorji na svetu s tehnologijo Chiplet. Grafika serije ...
September 26, 2022
AENO, mlada dinamična blagovna znamka pametnih gospodinjskih aparatov, širi ...
September 15, 2022
Nov strežnik 8U z grafičnimi procesorji NVIDIA H100/A100 povečuje zmogljivost ...
Julij 12, 2022
Distributer z dodano vrednostjo je znatno povečal bazo strank za svojega ...
Julij 04, 2022
Loewe je vrhunska blagovna znamka za televizorje, prepoznavna po svojih ...
Junij 29, 2022
ASBIS bo svojim strankam v regiji EMEA ponudil omrežne rešitve Edgecore
ASBIS nudi celoten Supermicro® portfolijo

ASBIS nudi celoten Supermicro® portfolijo

Supermicro (NASDAQ: SMCI), vodilni inovator na področju visoko zmogljivih in učinkovitih strežnikov, storage in mrežne opreme je premium dobavitelj za napredne IT/hyper-converged infrastrukture Building Block Solutions® za podatkovne centre, oblačne storitve, Enterprise, Hadoop/Big Data, HPC in Embedded sisteme na vseh kontinentih.

Supermicro Portfolio


Supermicro izdelki

Supermicro se zavezuje ohranjevanju čistega okolja preko “We Keep IT Green®” iniciative in zagotavlja kupcem energetsko učinkovite, okolju prijazne rešitve.  

Supermicro napredne Server Building Block rešitve nudijo širok nabor komponent za sestavo energetsko učinkovitih, optimiziranih infrastrukturnih rešitev. Inovacije vključujejo Twin, FatTwin™, TwinPro™, Ultra, MicroCloud, MicroBlade, SuperBlade®, Simply Double, Double-Sided Storage®, Battery Backup Power (BBP®) module in WIO/UIO. Izdelki vljučujejo strežnike, blades, GPU sisteme, delovne postaje, matične plošče, ohišja, napajalnike, storage, networking, programsko opremo za strežniško upravljanje in SuperRack® ohišja / dodatke. 

Zakaj Supermicro?

  • Vedno vodilna tehnologija
  • Dizajn za optimizacijo aplikacij
  • Širok nabor strežniških / Storage izdelkov 
  • Globalne SKU kode - pospešeno uvajanje, podpora in storitve po vsem svetu
  • End-to-End Server, Storage and Networking – kompletne, integrirane rešitve za Cloud, Software Defined Infrastructure in Big Data
  • Supermicro Rack Scale Design (RSD)
  • Najboljše razmerje med ceno / delovanjem
  • Odična dobavljivost
  • Zmogljivost in kakovost
  • Izredna gostota
  • Obsežne zmožnosti kostumizacije, glede na želje uporabnika



Najbolj celovita linija rack-mount strežnikov, z bogatim naborom funkcij in odličnim razmerjem med ceno in delovanjem. 

Prenesite si produktno brošuro 



Kompletna linija visoko zmogljivih storage rešitev z NVMe podporo. 


Server-grade delovne postaje, optimizirane za medije & zabavo, inženiring, raziskave in znanstvene aplikacije, oblikovane za neverjetne rezultate brez kompromisov glede delovanja. 

Prenesite si produktno brošuro 

Twin™ Solutions

High density, high performance and high availability multi-node servers optimized for HPC, Data Center, Cloud Computing and Enterprise IT applications. This range is available in multiple form factors to suit a wide range of requirements.


The SuperServer product line designed to deliver unrivalled performance, flexibility, scalability, and serviceability to demanding enterprise workloads.

WIO Servers

Includes wide range of cost-effective I/O options for optimized storage and networking for General Purpose, Network and Security Appliance applications.

MP Servers

Multi-processor server systems designed for enterprise mission-critical applications, and advanced Analytics, Database, Virtualization, and Scale-up workloads.

Prenesite si produktno brošuro


Up to 24 server nodes in a compact 3U form factor provides cost-effective high performance, density and efficiency to applications including Web Hosting, CDN and Social Networking

Prenesite si produktno brošuro


Offering the highest density in a 6U or 3U blade form factor, this range is optimized for Enterprise, Web, HPC and Data Center applications.

Prenesite si produktno brošuro



This range delivers high density, availability and low power consumption to high performance applications. SuperBlade systems are available with GPU and NVMe support to suit a range of requirements

Prenesite si produktno brošuro


Leveraging modular Supermicro Building Block Solutions®, SuperRack configurations provide convenient, flexible, reliable, customizable, and compatible systems to fit enterprise-level requirements.

Prenesite si produktno brošuro 



The extensive range of x86 server boards, available at a competitive price/performance, includes high performance boards supporting the latest CPU, memory, and add-on hardware.

Prenesite si produktno brošuro

GPU/ Xeon Phi™ Solutions

Supermicro offers the highest quality GPU/ Intel Xeon Phi™ solutions, optimized for the most compute-intensive applications. Engineering, Scientific and Research applications benefit from dramatically accelerated performance with this range of supercomputing solutions.

Prenesite si produktno brošuro


Offering the latest cost-effective, Top-of-Rack Ethernet switching technology, whether it be traditional fully-featured models incorporating both hardware and software in a complete solution, or bare metal hardware capable of running third-party software and configurable to specific customer needs in an Open Network Environment.

Prenesite si produktno brošuro

Disclaimer:The information contained in each press release posted on this site was factually accurate on the date it was issued. While these press releases and other materials remain on the Company's website, the Company assumes no duty to update the information to reflect subsequent developments. Consequently, readers of the press releases and other materials should not rely upon the information as current or accurate after their issuance dates.