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SonicWall expands next-generation firewall lineup with new enterprise-grade appliance, government-focused capabilities for closed-network threat protection

Marec 29, 2021


SonicWall expands next-generation firewall lineup with new enterprise-grade appliance, government-focused capabilities for closed-network threat protection

Cloud-native management, analytics transform real-time threat data into defensive actions to mitigate hidden risks across networks, applications and users

SonicWall announced the expansion of its threat protection offerings with the NS3700, a multi-gigabit security appliance designed to thwart attacks targeting government agencies, retail, K-12, higher education and enterprises.

The company also introduced several product updates, including closed-network threat protection, next-generation analytics, enhanced cloud-native security management and a rebranded Wireless Network Manager.Powered by SonicOS 7.0, the new SonicWall NSa 3700 firewall delivers a modern UX/UI, advanced security controls, plus critical networking and management capabilities to increase visibility and help defend against today’s increasingly targeted attacks.

With the new NSa 3700, organizations gain much needed multi-gigabit protection and enterprise-grade threat performance with one of the lowest total costs of ownership in its class. Offering 22,500 connections per second, supporting up to 750,000 concurrent DPI connections and up to 3,000 site-to-site VPN tunnels, the NSa 3700 ensures security is scalable across the largest environments. 


SonicWall Gen 7 NSa Series


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