Prestigio Plaza Ltd. je predstavil tržišču CD medij s programsko opremo za svoj izdelek Data Safe I. CD medij bo dodan zunanjem disku Data Safe I. Namestitev programske opreme vam bo vzela le nekaj minut, uporabnik pa bo pridobil možnost za ustvarjanje varnostnih kopij in zaklenjenih datotek s svojega prenosnega računalnika na zunanji disk.
Vsi izdelki, ki bodo imeli priložen omenjeni CD medij, bodo jasno označeni z nalepko na sprednji strani škatle.
Disclaimer:The information contained in each press release posted on this site was factually accurate on the date it was issued. While these press releases and other materials remain on the Company's website, the Company assumes no duty to update the information to reflect subsequent developments. Consequently, readers of the press releases and other materials should not rely upon the information as current or accurate after their issuance dates.