Spoštovani partnerji!
V letu 2009 je Asbis skupina zaznamovala mnoge poslovne uspehe, ki ne bi bili mogoči brez vaše dragocene podpore in lojalnosti. Prihaja novo leto, priložnost za nove odločitve, ideje, izzive in uspehe! Prihodnost pripada tistim, ki zaupajo svojim ciljem in sanjam. Skupaj bomo uspeli!
V prihajajočem letu vam ter vašim prijateljem in kolegom želimo vse najlepše!
ASBIS team
Disclaimer:The information contained in each press release posted on this site was factually accurate on the date it was issued. While these press releases and other materials remain on the Company's website, the Company assumes no duty to update the information to reflect subsequent developments. Consequently, readers of the press releases and other materials should not rely upon the information as current or accurate after their issuance dates.